The CPGA is the Governing Body for the sport of Pilot Gig Rowing
We are a friendly international rowing community of 90 clubs and over 8,000 active gig rowers.
We row and race a fleet of traditional wooden Cornish Pilot Gigs, a 32 foot long, six-oared rowing boat traditionally used for pilotage, harbour work and as lifeboats. All the Cornish Pilot Gigs built today follow the lines of the gig ‘Treffry’ built in 1838 and are speedy, seaworthy vessels, even in lively sea conditions.
The Cornish Pilot Gig Association is the governing body for the sport and we uphold the specification and heritage of the Cornish Pilot Gig. We work with our clubs and wider community to maintain the traditional spirit of the sport alongside modern safety and welfare standards. We are proud of our sport and are delighted that Cornish Pilot Gig rowing is being enjoyed by so many people across the British Isles and overseas.